Choosing the Best Air Purifiers Under $300- Which Air Purifier Should I Buy?

Air Purifier that cost $300

Air purifiers are used to clean the air in spaces like a bedroom. There are some that cost more than others, but it's important to know what you're buying if you want to purchase one for $300.

This article will list some of the things to look for when purchasing an air purifier at that price range


Along with features like speed and room size, there are also things like filters and noise levels. Some people may want a higher level of noise whereas other people may not want any noise because they sleep better with silence.

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Air Purifier

For the price point, there are many options available. A helpful tip is to research these products so that you can find the best one for your needs. You also want a filter that is easy to clean and replace. Even some of the best purifiers need to be replaced every six months or so, but they should not cost more than $50-$70.

Air purifiers can also remove negative components in the air which are present in things like smoke or perfume from a scented candle. The second most harmful substance found in outdoor and indoor air is formaldehyde, which can cause cancer if not removed from a space.

There are also machines that have HEPA filters which take care of airborne pollutants and will last longer than a cheaper machine.

Air purification machines can be bought for around $300, but they should come with something that cleans the air effectively. The more it costs, the better it cleans. It is important to consider the price and performance along with all of the options available when looking for an air purifier to buy.

What features to look for?

When you are buying an Air Purifier, the following guide can be of help

Ease of Use:

The machine should be easy to use and the process of switching between modes should be simple. If there is too much technical information, consider this not as an air purifier but a gadget.

Is it effortless to select an appropriate mode? The easiest way to do this is by looking at how it has been designed. Is it easy to see what you are doing without much difficulty? What can you see will change depending on the mode you are in?

If you're able to tell how you get from one mode to the other, you'll know that it's very easy and intuitive.

Power settings:

The most common settings available for air purifiers are on/off and timer. It is important to consider the power settings as well as what kind of power source is needed for the device to function.

Some devices operate with batteries, so you can go without electricity once you charge the batteries. Others use electricity, so if your power goes out it will be difficult to use.

If you have a lot of control over the machine, consider that as well. The lower the energy consumption, the better, but some people should choose a device with a higher setting – for example the HEPA level of filtration should be at least 14 or 15. Think about what kind of environment you'll be operating in and select accordingly.


A timer is a feature that makes it possible for users to set up the air purifier so that it can work on a specific schedule. This is useful for people who are not home and want the room to be cleaned when they get there.

For example, if you'll be out at work for 8 hours, you may want your air purifier to automatically turn on for 4 hours when you get back. This can prevent stuffiness from developing and allow fresh, clean air to circulate through your home when you return.

Noise filter:

The device should have a noise filter. This means that the noises from the machine will be lower than they would be otherwise, so it's a good idea.

If you're worried about noise, consider this as an important point to look at. Noise levels are measured in decibels. The lower the number, the better, so if you're concerned about noise levels when you sleep at night consider this as one very important factor to consider.


The exhaust fan should have a filter and this is needed because sometimes particles can escape through the vents of the machine and that can cause health problems for people living in houses with these kinds of machines in them. It is recommended to always change the filter on a basis of every 3-6 months. This will depend on the amount of time the machine has been used as well as how well it's been taken care of.

Is it easy to replace or clean the filter? If there is no filter, then it may be an indication that you are not getting good cleaning performance but will cost less upfront. If there is a HEPA filter, this means that dust particles and hazardous gasses are being cleaned out of the air before they are let out into your room.

Air Cleaner (Fan):

Some air cleaners are equipped with a fan so they can draw air into them and then blow it out through the vents, which makes it possible to clean the air in your room without any problems. These kinds of devices will also be more effective at cleaning the air than a regular vent fan.

Is the airflow too strong? You should select something that will work well for you without any problems. The upper end of the airflow speed is on around 200-300 and anything above this may cause some damage to units, but above this may not be necessary.


Different air purifiers have different ventilation levels based on how well they are designed. Poorly designed air purifiers will not be as capable of ventilating as well as some other models that are designed for this.

It's important to consider what kind of ventilation a manufacturer is providing to their customers. Some air cleaners may have a vent port but it may not be enough, so pay attention to the amount of space that is available and make sure that it can work properly in your home.


Some air purifiers are designed to be used in places with temperatures that are not very high or low, so it's important to make sure that they can be used in places where it is either too hot or cold.

If you want to use the machine at a colder temperature in your home, for example if you want to use it during the winter, then you'll need something that can work above this. If you're going to have them in places where it is warmer than 120F, then pay attention to the specifications on the device and make sure that they're working well at these temperatures.

Types of Filters For An Air Purifier For $300

You will need a filter on you device! The following filters are all available

True HEPA filters

A HEPA filter is the standard level of filtration. It can remove 99.97% of particles through a range of 0.3 microns to 0.3 millimeters (microns) in size, which is very small size and that's why these filters are considered the best kind to buy to ensure that you will get the most effective air purification possible.

These filters are extremely effective and can be used to remove pollen, dust, and mold from the air in your room with ease.

Activated carbon filters

Also known as zeolite filters, activated carbon filters have been used for generations for air purification and it's a great option if you want something with low maintenance as well as high performance, since this type of filter can reduce odors and also protect your electronic equipment from problems such as oxidation.

These filters can remove odors from the air as well as pollutants that have been damaging electronic equipment. They are also designed so that they can trap small particles from the air that could otherwise be harmful to your health and other electronics.

Carbon filters also work well in areas where it is occupied by cigarette smoke and will rid your home of odors and chemical gases. These are most often used in places where there is a lot of mold and can effectively eliminate it.

Activated carbon /charcoal filters:

A carbon filter is a combination of activated carbon and charcoal. This kind of filter works very well and can remove organic compounds, pollen, mold spores, bacteria, and other harmful toxins from the air. These are great for removing odors as well as maintaining any electronic devices that you have in your home.

It can also remove tobacco smoke toxins from the room and fit it for use in large homes or offices where you want a very high level of air purification.

These filters are particularly useful in areas of large families because they can reduce allergens that might cause your health problems.


Ionizers enhance air purification by using a process called ionization, which is a process that uses electrical charges. These can remove particles from the air in your home and they are relatively small, which makes them easier to use than other types of filters. They also work well with other filtration systems including carbon filters.

Ionizers work well with smoke and odors that are present in rooms where people often smoke or where there is a lot of dust present. These can be used in the kitchen to stop the spread of bacteria as well as removing the bad smells that are found in this room.

Ultraviolet (UV) light :

Ultraviolet light is a type of radiation that is used to kill bacteria and can be especially helpful in cutting through dust and cleaning it from the air. This can be helpful in killing germs that may be present in your home such as those found in pet urine. It is also good at removing mold spores from the air and preventing them from growing.

Ultraviolet lights are used to kill off mildew, mold, viruses, bacteria, and spores that might be present in your house. These are easier to use than many other types of filters but they will not work as well as a HEPA filter or carbon filter when it comes to trapping particles of dust or cleaning out your electronic equipment.

Electrostatic air purifiers :

Electrostatic filters work by using static electricity and are made to trap pollutants and airborne particles in the air from your home. They also remove odors and even mold spores, and are designed such that they can remove dust that is present in your room as well.

These can be used in places where there is a large amount of dust.

Ozone generators:

Ozone is a gas that is present in the sky and it purifies the air by killing bacteria, mold, dust mites, and other particles that are found in your home. It is also known to have antibacterial qualities and can be used to clean your clothes as well as the air in your room.

If you are also looking for an antibacterial alternative for cleaning your kitchen countertops and other areas of your home then this would be a good option.

Ozone generators use ultraviolet light to kill bacteria, mold, viruses, spores, and other airborne particles. This makes them a great choice for areas of high concern when it comes to germs and bacteria such as hospitals or other medical facilities where infections are at risk.

Type of Pathogen In An Air Purifier For $300

Now that you know which type of filter you will get, its now time to see what type of pathogens it can kill


Allergens are the biggest killers of asthma patients the world over. Allergens are very common with kids, thanks to them spending a lot of time indoors. The good news is that with most air purifiers, you can get rid of allergens such as mold spores, dust mites and pollen in your home. Allergens are the biggest reason for allergies and asthma.

Asthma is a serious concern and there are plenty of people who suffer from it in this world. The good news is that with most air purifiers, you can get rid of mold spores, dust mites and pollen in your home.


Dust is another big culprit when it comes to people having allergies and asthma! Luckily some air purifiers can make the air in your home much more clean and free of dust particles! One thing you should keep an eye on though is the type of filter you get since some filters simply don't work well as a dust trap! You may find that an active carbon filter is much better suited for this situation.


Pollen is also fairly common and causes a lot of problems for allergy sufferers. Luckily air purifiers will ionize these nasty particles! There is no need to worry about having to kill the pollen, sneezing or coughing all day long! Air purifiers are completely safe to use with allergy sufferers and can be used with the family as well!

Mold spores.

Mold spores are also very common (especially in older homes) and are also a major concern for allergy sufferers. The good news is that most air purifiers can take care of these building blocks of molds, so you can breathe freely and sleep soundly through the night! Mold is also dangerous because it can cause a whole host of health problems in your home.


Fungi are everywhere and the good news is that most air purifiers have the capacity to deal with fungi! You can breathe free and sleep soundly at night! There is no need to worry about having to kill all the fungi in your house, as most air purifiers will handle this problem for you too!

Dust mites.

Dust mites may be microscopic, but they sure do cause plenty of problems in your house. From spreading viruses to causing allergies and asthma! But fear not, air purifiers will rid you completely of dust mites! You can breathe freely and sleep soundly at night!


Viruses are even smaller than fungi or dust mites, but they can be just as dangerous if not more so! Luckily some filters are specially designed to trap viruses along with all of the other nasties in the air that need to be taken care of. You don't have to worry about having to take out the vacuum cleaner any more thanks to air purifiers!


Bacteria are even smaller than mold, dust mites and viruses! But don't worry! Bacteria are no match for air purifiers that will rid you of these harmful little critters too! You can breathe freely and soundly at night with the knowledge that your air purifier has you completely covered from all the nasty stuff floating around in your home!


Smoke is another big concern when it comes to air quality. If you live in a home or apartment where people often smoke, then this is something you may want to consider investing in if you want to be able to breath freely without getting sick. Thankfully air purifiers are able to trap certain types of harmful particles in the air such as smoke and kill them off!

Pet Odor

Pet Odor is another big concern when it comes to living in a home or apartment. If you have pets then they are bound to leave behind some odor! But don't worry, air purifiers are able to handle the pet odor that your pets leave behind! Just like other bacteria and viruses, air purifiers will kill off these nasty little things so you can breathe freely with no smell at all.

Unpleasant Odors

Some air purifiers may be able to kill off smells from other unpleasant sources such as smoke or even mold! This is especially useful if you live in a room which is used by others who smoke and leave their cigarette butts lying around the house.

Dust, Scents and Other Particles

You should also consider what kind of filters you will need to remove the dust and other particles from your home or workplace. This may be a little harder for some people to control, but there are often sprays or other ways to deal with it. You may want to consider getting a purifier that does not include the air quality index as that may not be very effective in dealing with some particles.

The best thing you can do is avoid dust and other particulate buildup as much as possible. The more you have, the faster your filter will wear out.

Better Overall Health With An Air Purifier For $300

The best thing you can do is avoid dust and other particulate buildup as much as possible. The more you have, the faster your filter will wear out.

Air purifiers that are on the higher end of the market are those with ionizing technology! Ionizing air purifiers are able to filter out all of these nasty particles as well! This means that they won't just be able to deal with everyday allergens, but also make your home healthier for everyone in it!

This is why we always recommend a unit that uses a high-quality HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filter or carbon particle filter.


If you want to be sure that you are getting the best air purifier that fits your budget, we can also recommend our picks for the best cheap air purifiers.

The best thing about these types of air purifiers is that they don’t just filter out all allergens and other microscopic particles. They also increase your body’s overall health as well! This means that the more toxins and dust particles in the air, the more likely it is that you will get sick.

However, there are plenty of units on the market and even this list is limited to some of the most effective units.

  • SIMPLE ONE-BUTTON CONTROL: Easily adjust fan as-needed with one button to ensure optimal air quality, including lowering fan speed at night for uninterrupted sleep
  • CLEAN AIR IN MINUTES: Blueair's HEPASilent technology, delivers clean air, faster, and much more quietly than traditional HEPA filtration alone; Quickly cleans 540sqft large room in about 12.5 min or up to 2592sqft XL space in 60min, on high
  • ONE OF THE QUIESTEST AIR PURIFIERS: Quieter (31 dB) than whisper on low; ENERGY STAR rated - uses less energy (30W) than an incandescent lightbulb on low
  • COMBAT ALLERGENS: Helps reduce allergens and pollutants that trigger allergy and asthma symptoms
  • REMOVES ODOR & PARTICLES DOWN TO 0.1 MICRON: Ideal for smoke & smog during wildfire season; Removes 99.97% of airborne particles like smoke, dust, viruses and pet dander, while the carbon filter traps light household odors from smoking, pets and cooking
  • MOST AWARDED AIR PURIFIER BRAND IN THE US: Blue Pure 211 plus has won Good Housekeeping – 10 Best Air Purifiers of 2021, Best Overall Air Purifier; Wirecutter Pick - The Best Air Purifier - 2019 - 2022
  • INDEPENDENTLY TESTED FOR PERFORMANCE & SAFETY, ZERO OZONE: AHAM Verifide for CADR; Ozone Safety Standards Certified by CARB; Zero Ozone Verified (<5 ppb) by Intertek Sustainability Program; Trusted Education Partner of British Health Professional Academy
  • GENUINE FILTERS FOR OPTIMAL PERFORMANCE: Replace your filter every 6 months to ensure proper functionality & only use genuine Blueair filters; Shop 211 plus replacement filter: B073SKH39W; Upgrade to SmokeBlock filter for enhanced removal: B0B453ZDZ6. A 360-degree air intake means you can place the 211+ almost anywhere without compromising performance. Combine this with its compact and lightweight design, and you have an air purifier that is easy to move and place wherever suits you.
  • 𝐒𝐖𝐈𝐅𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌 𝐏𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: With the help of Votexair technology, you can comfortably stay in the living room without second smoke, pet dander and hair and carbon monoxide when you use the fireplace
  • 𝐁𝐄𝐃𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘: Don't worry about dust and pollen when you stay in the bedroom where bedding, furniture and potted plants are. Thanks to the AirSight Plus technology, the laser dust sensor scans the surrounding air for airborne particles, continuously updating the PM2.5 display
  • 𝐊𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐎𝐃𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐁𝐄 𝐆𝐎𝐍𝐄: With the patented ARC Formula technology, Core 400S-P/Core 400S is the perfect air purifier to remove any odor from VOCs and Carbon Monoxide in the kitchen. You're left with only clean, crisp, fresh air
  • 𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐎𝐍 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐎: Turn on Auto Mode and the air purifier will automatically adjust the fan speed setting for you and update the display to keep you informed. Even though you walk into the basement, you can feel fresh air without mold and radon
  • 𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐄: The top-performing Levoit Core 400S-P/Core 400S Smart Air Purifier has a CADR of 260 CFM and can purify the air of a 1980 ft² space once/hour (based on Levoit's Original Filters; not applicable to other replacement filters)
  • 𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐇 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐂𝐄: Our filter has a strong filtration performance of ultra fine particles. 99.97 percent filtration efficiency for 0.1-0.3μm airborne particulates, including pollen, dust, and animal dander allergens. Disclaimer: Tested by an independent lab
  • 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐑-𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐋 𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐄𝐓: Keep the Core 400S-P/Core 400S running throughout the night, as Sleep Mode uses the lowest fan speed (24dB) to create a sleep-friendly space that’s as quiet as falling leave
  • 𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐋: With the free VeSync app, you can control air purifier settings, set timers, check filter life, and connect to third-party voice assistants
  • 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐘 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐀𝐅𝐄: The Core 400S-P/Core 400S is Energy Star, FCC certified, ETL listed, German Design Award (2021) and iF Design Award (2021). For best results and product performance, search B08SQQK6K7 for an official Levoit replacement filter
  • MAXIMUM COVERAGE: Cleans up to 1,000 sq ft in one hr, 500 sq ft in 30 min, 250 sq ft in 15 min. [*Based on average CADR for pollen, smoke and dust when operating at fan setting 3. Assumes closed room with 8 ft ceiling.] Perfect for medium size rooms.Noise level for speed 1 (dB) : 31.5 dB, Noise level for speed 2 (dB) : 39.4 dB, Noise level for speed 3 (dB) : 51.4 dB
  • HEPA H13 FILTRATION: Trusted to remove 99.7% of harmful particles including allergens, odors, VOCs, smoke, pollen, pet dander, dust, smog, contaminants, and more down to 0 1 microns in size. Captures finer particles than HEPA H11 (0 3 microns)
  • ULTRA QUIET: Choose from 3 fan speeds, with the lowest setting operating virtually silent. Runs at 110 Volts at a min noise level of 35dB and max of 51dB. For the most discreet operation, enable sleep mode to completely dim the unit's panel lights
  • EASY TO USE FEATURES: Includes a sleek touch screen operation panel with 0-8 hour timer, fan speed, sleep mode, filter replacement indicator, and child lock, great for both kids and pets
  • QUALITY TESTED & BACKED: CARB, ETL, and Energy Star certified. Backed by a USA registered Lifetime Warranty when genuine Medify replacement filters are used. The replacement filter (B0859NYXTW) lasts 2,500 hours or about 3-4 months

Other Questions

Do we need air purifier at home?

Well, it depends on the situation, but we definitely recommend purchasing one! This is to ensure that you are breathing clean air in your home and be sure that the air quality is up to acceptable standards. Air purifiers are also good for those who suffer from allergies.

A typical household may also benefit from air purifiers who have allergies or asthma. The best advice for people with asthma conditions has always been to purchase an air purifier.

Should I leave my air purifier on all the time?

Well, we recommend doing so if you are aiming for the best results! This helps ensure that you get the best quality of air in your home and at the end of the day, it should be one of your top priorities to have good quality air to breathe.

The only time you would want to turn off your air purifier is if you are worried about it breaking down or other problems arising from leaving it on all the time. This is especially true for ionizers that often need a bit more maintenance.

Should I buy only an air purifier?

You should also consider purchasing an air filter to help clean the air in your house. You can purchase these in most household stores and they will be effective at removing some of the harmful particles from your home.

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EarsToday is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program.


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Nick Le Page

 An air purifier is a device designed to remove dust, pollen, smoke, soot, mold spores, smog, and other airborne pollutants from the air.

If you want to keep your home clean and free of contaminants—and save money on heating and air conditioning bills—quality air purifiers are a powerful first step.

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